D1 Nation presents

D1 Nation presents 7th Peach State Classic Atlanta - Pre-season Tournament Teams

July 12-14, 2024
Lawrenceville, Georgia
Just a heads-up! The banner below is an ad.



The deadline for the 6th Annual D1 National Championships is December 1. We are currently 75% filled and only have a few slots left . Over 130 Teams Participated last year. This years event will be held in Dallas TX @ Harold Patterson Sports Complex December 13-16. Itinerary is attached !!!

This event is invite only .. your team must meet one of the following qualifications.
- Ranked on our D1 National Poll
- State or League Champions
- Placed in the top 4 of a D1 National Qualifier
- Invite from D1 State Director
- Reigning Gold Champions (Automatic Bid). 2024 Spring Nationals Champions or 2023 D1 National Champions

Champions Receive
- 1 set Custom D1 Uniforms
- National Championship Rings
- Championship Medals
- Event T-shirts
- MVP Selections

All Games will be live streamed on BallerTV .

You may register here - click here or you can send a cash app to $d1nation544 along with the following informatrion:

Team name
Age Division
Head Coach
Email Address
Phone Number

We will send you a receipt !!!


11/25/2024 4:13 PM


We would like to take this opportunity to cordially invite you to participate in the 6th Annual D1 National Youth Football Championships powered Delta Airlines December 13-16 @ Dallas,TX. This years event will take place @ Harold Patterson Sports Center ,1000 W Bardin Road , Arlington,TX 76017.

Teams must be qualified in order to participate, this is invite only
- Qualified in a D1 Event
- League Champions
- Rankind on D1 State or National Rankings
- Reigning Champions play free.
- Receive invite from State Director

D1 Champions Receive:
- Custom D1 Uniforms (25 player limit)
- Major Trophies
- Championship Rings
- Championship Medals
- Event T-Shirts

- Discount DELTA Fligts please use discount code NM42A or call 1-800-328-1111

- National Media in Attendance ..WYHBL, Holla Fame , Turn-up Media
- All games will be live streamed on Baller TV

- See attached itinerary for check-in times

Registering your team
We are only taking 12 teams per age group, registration fee is $450 per team , a $100 Lock-in fee will reserve your slot, balance must be paid before the schedule drops December 1. Send $100 Cash app to $d1nation544 or Zelle 404-454-2919. Please include the following information or text to 404-454-2919 and we will send you a reciept . RESERVE YOUR SLOT TODAY!!! Call 404-454-2919 or pay in full -click here

Text us your team info
- Team Name
- Age division (July 1 Cut-off)
- Head Coach Full Name
-Email address
-Phone number

Thank you,


9/24/2024 3:45 PM


We have couple of slots still available for this weekends Super Sunday Showcase @Berkmar High school September 15

- $50 referees fee
- Must have your State ID and league book
- Check in 1 hour before your game !!!!
- Adult Admission is $15

- MVP awards
- GOW Trophy
- National Media

Call 404-454-2919


9/11/2024 12:53 AM


Championship brackets are now posted ....please check your schedules - CLICK HERE\

Good Luck


7/13/2024 9:43 PM


Here is some information to make your event experience better.

1. Teams need to check in @ the field 2 hours before your 1st Game . You will need to bring a copy of your league or exposure event roster with you. Each player needs to be present at check in. Players will be issued wristbands at check in. They will not be able to play without them.

Acceptable forms of ID
- State ID
- National Sports ID or Zorts
- Passport
- School ID

2. No food or drinks will be allowed in the facility. You may be Sports Bottles and Gallon water Jugs. Individual bottles will not be allowed in.

3. Parents and teams will be allowed to bring in Tents and Chairs for the Field 1 (Baseball field)

4. Game time is Game Time. Please warm up prior to the start of your game.

5. We have a non tolerance for fighting or verbal abuse of the referees. Should a parent or fan run on the field. The game will be terminated and your team will forfiet the game.

6. No Alcohol , No Gambling , No Smoking , No Dogs will be allowed on school property. We will have security wanding individuals as they come-in , Saftey is paramount . Please leave your weapons in the car.

7. Discount ticket sales end at 6pm today. - Click here

8. Please ask your parents to follow your team on the schedule. It will alert you to game times or changes to the schedule

Thank you,

7/12/2024 1:48 PM

$15 Discount tickets will be available until 6pm on Friday.. Click here for tickets

Thank you

7/11/2024 5:13 PM


Due to an error on D1 part , we will be unable to use Bryson Park this weekend. We are moving the venue to Berkmar High School located at 405 Pleasant Hill Road , Lawrenceville , GA 30047. All games will be played here . Its 3 miles from Bryson Park.

Because its last minute , we are having to convert the baseball field and the practice field 80 yrds (6-8U on Sunday) to football fields so that all games in the same complex.

Also, we have combined events witht the Lambo Invitational . Friday Nights Showcase will feature Voodoo (GA) vs Fastbreak (OH) at 7pm and Lambo vs GA Eagles 8:15pm

Click here to review the Schedule

1. Team Check-In - 2 hour before your first game. All players must be present. Each player will be issued a color wristband to be worn the entire weekend. Each team will issued 6 Coaches wristbands.

Acceptable forms of ID (July 1 Cut-off)
- State ID
- Nationl Sports ID , Zorts
- Passports
- School ID

2. $15 Discount tickets will be available until 6pm on Friday.. Click here for tickets

Thank you

7/10/2024 7:07 PM

The schedule is subject to change. We have teams that are still looking to enter. Final Schedule will update on Thursday. Schedule now Posted - Click Here

Click here to purchase discount tickets - click here
$15 in advance , $20 Day of Event


Ages 5U -14U
Games: Brackets Play
Gold 1st place Trophies /T-Shirts in all brackets !!!
Silver 1st place Thophy


High School Rules . Clock stops on all regular football situations

Clock will start ON THE READY WHISTLE after :
a) Out of Bounds
b) Incomplete passes
c) First downs
d) Penalties

Clock will start ON THE SNAP (1st Touch)
a) Scores
b) Change of Possession
c) Time outs




5U - 8 minute quarters , 3 time outs per half , Clock stops on change of possession , incomplete passes and time-outs. 2 Coaches allowed on field

- No special teams
- No Punts - Punts will be walked off 20 yds from line of scrimmage
- Extra points - Running 1pt , Throwing 2 pts
- Mercy Rule: After 20pt lead - Game will turn into running clock


6U- 8 minute quarters , 3 time outs per half , Clock stops on change of possession , incomplete passes and time-outs. 2 Coach allowed on field

- Kick-offs
- No Punts - Punts will be walked off 25 yds from line of scrimmage
- Extra points - Running 1pt , Throwing 2 pts
- Mercy Rule: After 20pt lead - Game will turn into running clock


7U- 8 minute quarters , 3 time outs per half , Clock stops on change of possession , incomplete passes and time-outs. 1 Coach allowed on field

- Kick-offs
- No Punts - Punts will be walked off 25 yds from line of scrimmage
- Extra points - Running 1pt , Throwing 2 pts
- Mercy Rule: After 20pt lead - Game will turn into running clock


8U - 8 minute quarters , 3 time outs per half , Clock stops on change of possession , incomplete passes and time-outs. No Coach’s allowed on the field.

- Kick offs Only - Punts will be walked off. Must go for 4th downs on your side of the 50 yd line. (No walk offs)

- Extra points - Running 1pt , Throwing 2 pts
- Defensive players cannot line-up over center
- Mercy Rule: After 20pt lead - Game will turn into running clock - Mercy rule no blitz

9U-14U -10 minute quarters , 3 time outs per half , Clock stops on change of possession , incomplete passes and time-outs.

- All teams will perform kick offs and punts.

Overtime - In case of overtime , Ball will be placed on the 10 yd line. Each team will have the opportunity to advance the ball and score. (EACH TEAM HAS 4 PLAYS ONLY ... Should a penalty occur , then the penalty will be marked off and the play will count as a down... Last play cannot end on a defensive penalty) , If neither team scores the ball will be placed on the 5 yard line , each team will get 4 plays to score. One time during OT period. There will be no ties.

Mercy Rule: After 20pt lead - Game will turn into running clock

Age Eligibility: All players must on official league roster in order to participate. League age requirements take precedent. All players must wear wrist bands issued at certification.

Weight: Weight is unlimited for this tournament.

Coach’s Conduct:

We expect coaches to behave professionally. Any verbal or personal attacks on referees or staff will not be tolerated. Coaches will be issued one warning. After the initial warning , the coach in question will be expelled from the competition and will not be allowed to coach the next game.

Coach’s Dress:

Coach’s must have on Team issued shirts or spirit wear. No t-shirts, wife beaters or flip flops allowed.

Coach’s Passes

Coaches must have on Coaches passes to be on the sideline. Head coach will be issued wrist bands at registration. Wristbands must be worn the entire weekend. All coaches must be signed in. We will only issue wristbands once. Each team will be issued 5 wristbands only. All American Coaches Hoodies -


Parents are not allowed on playing field , Any team violating this rule , will be issued a 15yd penalty at the 1st warning. 2nd warning , Head Coach will be removed from the game.

7/9/2024 1:37 PM


We have a couple of slots still available in all age groups for the 7th Annual Peach State Classic @ Atlanta GA July 12-14.

We only have room for 4 teams per age group. Registration will close tonight.. This event will be national media, all games live streamed on Ballertv.

National rankings are on the line , Its time to get on the map. Come and qualify for D1 2024 National Championships, December 13-16@ Dallas TX .

Trophies and T-Shirts to our winners. 2 Games Guaranteed. $100 holds your slot. ($nation544) Call 404-454-2919 today!!

Thank you


7/9/2024 9:21 AM

The following teams are officially participating in the D1 Nation presents 7th Peach State Classic Atlanta - Pre-season Tournament .
Please note some teams may not be present yet. Click on the team to view more details.

All event related questions should be directed to Harold Thompson at d1nation@yahoo.com or call 404-454-2919.