D1 Nation presents

2023 Alabama State Championships hosted by D1, AYSC, CW Teams

December 1-3, 2023
Millbrook, Alabama
Just a heads-up! The banner below is an ad.



The deadline for the 6th Annual D1 National Championships is December 1. We are currently 75% filled and only have a few slots left . Over 130 Teams Participated last year. This years event will be held in Dallas TX @ Harold Patterson Sports Complex December 13-16. Itinerary is attached !!!

This event is invite only .. your team must meet one of the following qualifications.
- Ranked on our D1 National Poll
- State or League Champions
- Placed in the top 4 of a D1 National Qualifier
- Invite from D1 State Director
- Reigning Gold Champions (Automatic Bid). 2024 Spring Nationals Champions or 2023 D1 National Champions

Champions Receive
- 1 set Custom D1 Uniforms
- National Championship Rings
- Championship Medals
- Event T-shirts
- MVP Selections

All Games will be live streamed on BallerTV .

You may register here - click here or you can send a cash app to $d1nation544 along with the following informatrion:

Team name
Age Division
Head Coach
Email Address
Phone Number

We will send you a receipt !!!

11/25/2024 4:10 PM


Last call for 2024 Alabama State Championships @ 17 Springs Sports Complex in Millbrook AL.

We have a few slots left . Please contact us asap. Schedule will go out tomorrow before 5pm.

If interested please register here

11/18/2024 11:28 PM


We would like to cordially invite you to participate in the 2nd Annual Labor Day Classic @17 Springs Sports Complex in MIllbrook AL August 31-2. Age Group Winner recieves Free Automatic Bid to 2024 Alabama State Championships November 22-24 @ 17 Springs Sports Complex .

Ages 6-12U , 2 Games Guaranteed , $150 per team. Join us!!!!

Call 404-454-2919 or Cash app $nation544


8/19/2024 2:56 PM


Last call for BAMA KICK OFF CLASSIC July 19-21 @ 17 Springs Sports Complex in Millbrook. Limited slots still available .Call us today!!! 404-454-2919. 2 Games Guaranteed . Cash app fees $nation544. $100 will hold your slot. Put your name and age group on it !!!



7/15/2024 2:37 PM

Coaches :

Bama Pre-Season Kick-Off Classic July 19-21
@ 17 Springs Sports Complex in Millbrook,AL Teams ages 5U-14U , 2 Game Guarantee. Come get this work!

- WYHBL will be in attendance
- All Games will be live streamed by BallerTV
- National rankings on the line!

Deadline is July 12 - Call 404-454-2919 Today!!!!

Thank you,


7/3/2024 4:16 PM


BRACKETS ARE NOE POSTED!!! Some times have changed , please go with whats on the schedule - CLICK HERE



12/2/2023 10:14 PM


Deadline is December 1 for 5th Annual D1 National Championships December 15-18 @ Atlanta GA ... Dont miss out!!! No politics , just good football!!!

If you have meet the following critieria , you are elligible to particpate:

- Qualified in a D1 National Event
- Nationally Ranked on D1
- Reigning Champion

Champions Receive:
- Custom D1 Uniforms
- Championship Trophy
- Individual Player Rings
- Event Shirt
- MVP Trophy and Banner
- Individual Medals

July 1 Cut-off , Team Check-In December 14th and 15th. 3 Games Guaranteed. Ages 5-14U. All Games Played @ Rabbitt Hill Park. Call 404-454-2919 or visit d1nation.us ..Limited space still available.

5th D1 Nationals Click Here to Register /Information

National Sports ID - Click Here


12/1/2023 9:49 AM


Due to weather forecast , We have elected to move the games to 17 Springs Sports Complex located at:

17 Springs Complex
2021 AL-14
Millbrook, Alabama 36054

This facility has 4 turf fields 1 football , 3 soccer. We will have down markers and chains on each field.

1. THERE ARE NO BLEACHERS ... Please bring your lawn chairs and tents
2. No Bottle Water will be allowed on site , only sport squirt bottles
3. No Smoking , No Liquor , No Gambling , No Marijuana on Site.

Thank you


11/29/2023 7:32 PM

D1 Nation is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Alabama State Championship
Time: Nov 29, 2023 09:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 881 3183 6340
Passcode: jaVJ2C

11/29/2023 5:23 PM

We will not be accepting any cash at the gate. All tickets must be purchased online . A link will be provided for your convenience when the schedule drops.

ADVANCE TICKETS - $18 per day / Students 7-12 will be $10 per day Children under 6 free ... PURCHASE TICKETS HERE

Adults Advance Ticket Price - $18 per day
Adults Day of Event Tickets - $22 per day
Childern 7-12 - $10 per Day
Children Under 6 Free
Adult Weekend Pass -$36 Only Available until Friday December 1

Format: Saturday. Bracket Play (Single elimination ) - Sunday...All Teams will play on Sunday

Thank you

11/28/2023 5:38 PM


We schedule has been revised . We left a couple of teams off the schedule. There will be no further changes after this. Click Here

Also , bracket were done by State Rankings and Head to head match ups.

Thank you

11/28/2023 5:36 PM

Coaches/Parents :

Welcome to the ALABAMA STATE CHAMPIONSHIPS. Here is some information to make your experience enjoyable. This a National Qualifier , the top two teams in each age group will recieve Qualifying Bids to our D1 National Championships Dec 15-18th in Atlanta. Winning teams will also be included in our National Rankings; This email will supercede all previous communications.


Schedule will posted today - Click Here . We will start play Saturday, December 2 Please download this Exposure event app , all changes will be made via the app. We will not call you.

Director: Jermaine Roberson (251) 303-7591

Venues :
All Games will be played at the following venues:

Montgomery Soccer Complex
300 Brown Springs Road
Montgomery , AL, 36117

We will not be accepting any cash at the gate. All tickets must be purchased online . A link will be provided for your convenience when the schedule drops.

ADVANCE TICKETS - $18 per day / Students 7-12 will be $10 per day Children under 6 free ... PURCHASE TICKETS HERE

Adults Advance Ticket Price - $18 per day
Adults Day of Event Tickets - $22 per day
Childern 7-12 - $10 per Day
Children Under 6 Free
Adult Weekend Pass -$36 Only Available until Friday December 1

Format: Saturday. Bracket Play (Single elimination ) - Sunday...All Teams will play on Sunday


Gold Champions recieve D1 Custom Uniforms, Championship Rings, Championship Trophy , Medals, MVP Banners , Qualifies to participate in D1 Nationals ....December 15-18 (If you have not paid your full balance at the end of today , you will not be elligible for Custom Uniforms)

Silver Champion receives Championship Trophy
Bronze Champion receives Championship Trophy

Certification: Each team will certify 1 hour before thier first game at the field that you play your first game. All players must be present at Certification. Each player will be issued a wristbands to be worn the entire weekend. We will do wristband checks prior to each game.

PLAYERS MUST BE LISTED ON NATIONAL SPORTS ID. Each team will recieve 6 Coaches Wrist Bands , 2 Wristbands for Chain Crew

WE WILL ALSO NEED EXPOSURE EVENT ROSTERS FORMS MUST BE IN BY 5PM THURSDAY NOVEMBER 30TH - All we need is name , DOB, Uniform #. All Players must be present at Team Check-in. It will be emailed to you today

Thank you


11/28/2023 12:47 PM

Coaches/Parents :

Welcome you to the Alabama State Championships hosted by D1 , AYSC and CW Athletics . Here is some information to make your experience enjoyable. This a State Championship and D1 National Qualifier , the top two teams in each age group will recieve Automatic Bids to our D1 National Championships Dec 15-18th in Atlanta. . Winning teams will also be included in our National Rankings; This email will supercede all previous communications.

Schedule will posted Tuesday no later than noon (we still have teams registering )... Click Here . We will start play Saturday December 2. Please download this Exposure event app , all changes will be made via the app

FORMS AND NSID MUST BE IN BY 5PM THURSDAY NOVEMBER 30TH. All we need is name , DOB, Uniform #. on the Exposure Event Roster Management sheet. All Players must be present at Team Check-in.

Director: Jermaine Roberson 251-303-7591

Venues :
All Games will be played at the following venues
Montgomery Soccer Park
300 Brown Springs Road
Montgomery , Al. 36117

We will not be accepting any cash at the gate. All tickets must be purchased online . A link will be provided for your convenience when the schedule drops.

ADVANCE TICKETS - $18 per day / Students 7-12 will be $10 per day Childeren under 6 free ... TICKETS WILL GO ON SALE WHEN THE SCHEDULE DROPS

Adults Advance Ticket Price - $18 per day
Adults Day of Event Tickets - $22 per day
Childern 7-12 - $10 per Day
Children Under 6 Free
Adult Weekend Pass $35 weekend pass will be available until Friday midnight

Format: Pool Play - Saturday. Bracket Play (Double Elimination) - Sunday...All Teams will play on Sunday


Gold Champions recieve Custom Uniforms , Championship Trophy , Championship Rings and Medals, MVP Banners , Automatic Bid to D1 Nationals ....December 15-18th

Silver Champion receives Championship Trophy

Certification: Each team will certify 1 hour before thier first game at the field that you play your first game. All players must be present at Certification. Each player will be issued a wristbands to be worn the entire weekend. We will do wristband checks prior to each game. Acceptable forms of ID ... State ID , National Sports ID , Click here for National Sports ID link . PLAYERS MUST BE LISTED ON OUR ROSTER MANGEMENT FORM. PLEASE CHECK YOUR EMAIL. Each team will recieve 6 Coaches Wrist Bands , 2 Wristbands for Chain Crew


Clock stops on all regular football situations
Clock will start ON THE READY WHISTLE after :
a) Out of Bounds
b) Incomplete passes
c) First downs
d) Penalties

Clock will start ON THE SNAP (1st Touch)
a) Scores
b) Change of Possession
c) Time outs

Game time is game time: If team is 15 minutes late game will be forfeited.

Home is on the Bottom - Dark
Visitor on top - White

6U/7U - 8 minute quarters , 3 time outs per half , Clock stops on change of possession , incomplete passes and time-outs. 1 Coach allowed on field

- Kick Offs
- No Punts - Punts will be walked off 35 yds from line of scrimmage
- Extra points - Running 1pt , Throwing 2 pts
- Defensive players cannot line-up over center
- Mercy Rule: After 20pt lead - Game will turn into running clock

8U - 8 minute quarters , 3 time outs per half , Clock stops on change of possession , incomplete passes and time-outs. No Coach’s allowed on the field.

- Kick offs- Yes
- Punts - No. Walk off 35 yards
- Extra points - Running 1pt , Throwing 2 pts
- Defensive players cannot line-up over center
- Mercy Rule: After 20pt lead - Game will turn into running clock - Mercy rule no blitz

9U-14U -10 minute quarters , 3 time outs per half , Clock stops on change of possession , incomplete passes and time-outs.
- All teams will perform kick offs , No Punts... 35 yard Walk-off

Overtime - In case of overtime , Ball will be placed on the 10 yd line. Each team will have the opportunity to advance the ball and score. (EACH TEAM HAS 4 PLAYS ONLY ... Should a penalty occur , then the penalty will be marked off and the play will count as a down... Last play cannot end on a defensive penalty)

Should one team score and the opposing team is stopped, then the team that scored wins. If both teams score the same amount of points , then the ball is placed on 5 yd and each team has 4 plays to score. If the game ends in another tie , then the final overtime will be determined by penetration.

Mercy Rule: After 20pt lead - Game will turn into running clock

Age Eligibility: All players must on official event roster in order to participate. League age requirements take precedent. All players must wear wrist bands issued at certification. PLAYERS CAN ONLY PLAY ON ONE ROSTER

Weight: Weight is unlimited for this tournament.

Coach’s Conduct:
We expect coaches to behave professionally. Any verbal or personal attacks on referees or staff will not be tolerated. Coaches will be issued one warning. After the initial warning , the coach in question will be expelled from the competition and will not be allowed to coach the next game.

Coach’s Dress:
Coach’s must have on Team issued shirts or spirit wear. No t-shirts, wife beaters or flip flops allowed. you will not be issued a wrist band

Coach’s Passes
Coaches must have on Coaches passes to be on the sideline. Head coach will be issued wrist bands at registration. Wristbands must be worn the entire weekend. All coaches must be signed in. We will only issue wristbands once. Each team will be issued 8 wristbands only.

Parents are not allowed on playing field, should a parent enter the field of play the game will be terminated with score in place. , Head Coach will be removed from the game.

Thank you


11/26/2023 7:48 PM

The following teams are officially participating in the 2023 Alabama State Championships hosted by D1, AYSC, CW.
Please note some teams may not be present yet. Click on the team to view more details.

All event related questions should be directed to Harold Thompson and Jermaine Robeson at d1nation@yahoo.com or call 404-454-2919 or 251-303-7591.