2024 Fall Willamette Valley Youth Football and Cheer HBJC (NE)Jaguars 2/3
Coaches and Team Managers,
Congratulations on leading your team to the 2024 Oregon Youth Football State Championship Bowl Series at Autzen Stadium! We realize how much time every coach dedicates to their team, and we thank you for all that you do, as well as being the face of Willamette Valley Youth Football and Cheer.
We want to take a moment to prepare you for how the weekend is run so that you and your team can feel prepared when you arrive for your game.
Player Entrance
Please have your team meet no later than 1 HOUR 15 MINS prior to the scheduled start of your game, you will want to meet outside of the main east side entrance gate. When your team is altogether players and coaches can all enter at the player’s entrance, there will be security at the gate checking rosters as you enter. Once entered please keep teams together and head directly to weigh-ins. Only 5 coaches, and 1 team manager will be permitted to enter through the player’s entrance and not be charged admission. Coaches and managers must have a badge and must be on the AAU roster to be on the field. Please be sure to remind your families of the admission fees as well. It is very important you arrive early, if a game can start early, we WILL start the game early to stay on schedule. Please be sure your parents are aware of this as well.
The parking entrance ENTRY 5 on the South end of the Autzen Complex. Please be aware some areas will be blocked off for UO events. You will find ADA parking and General parking. Use of tents located near the stadium is strictly prohibited. There will be port-a-potties all over the parking area and should be serviced prior to your arrival. All entries will use the EAST GATE. Details are in the attached handouts for coaches and parents. The Autzen Map is attached.
Warming Up
Our game schedule does not allow for any on field warm ups unless the game prior to your game finishes early. There are no designated areas for warmups so either plan to meet elsewhere ahead of time or know that your warmup will be limited to the concrete area outside of the stadium inside the gated area.
Weigh Ins
We will have our scales and an area set up for weigh-ins. However, weigh-ins will still be conducted as they have been during the regular season, with both team managers conducting them and 1 League Rep. Please be sure to allow for enough time to complete both team's weigh-ins before your game time. Weigh-ins will be located right inside of the admission gates and can be done after your team has entered.
*There are no weigh-ins for 6th-8th grade.
As with all regular season games, the minimum play rules are still in effect. The home team will oversee providing a 3-man chain crew as well.
Field Access
Only players, coaches, 1 manager and 3 chain crew members (home team only) will be allowed field access. Practice only volunteers will need to sit up in the stands as spectators. This will be strictly enforced. No additional photographers are allowed on the field NOT EVEN BOARD MEMBERS (we have photographers donating their time). MPR monitors and Chain Crew volunteers will get yellow vests from the admission booth and be let on the field through the stands by the field monitor. MPR monitors and Chain Crew must pay to get in.
Absolutely no one on the field without the correct badge is allowed . if you get caught on the field you will be asked to leave the stadium and not enter back in.
Before the game, while you are in the tunnel, please line your players up in numerical order. The announcer will call each player by name, and they can run out onto the field. Players are strictly prohibited to write ANYTHING while in the tunnels if so, they will be fined and pulled out of the game to clean it off and will not return to play. Coaches, please check your players to make sure they understand. Also, there will be NO BAGS, PERSONAL ITEMS ,OR NO WAGON ON THE FIELD YOU WILL LEAVE THAT IN THE STANDS OR BY THE MAIN GATE . Players only need to carry their water.
After the game, please quickly gather your team's belongings and move as a team towards the stands to exit through them. This lets the next teams get lined up in the tunnel. You can have your parents meet their player up on the concourse.
Championship Apparel
Apparel will be available on the Concourse.
Available at the admission AND concourse for $12.00
Game Video
A Thumb drive of your team's game will be done approximately 60+ minutes after the conclusion of your game for $30 and available in the concourse. You may purchase game video before or after the game. All game videos must be purchased and picked up at Autzen and no later than 5pm on Sunday, November 17th 2024. We will not be held responsible or mail any that are not picked up.
This weekend is a fun-filled weekend for the players of the Willamette Valley Youth Football and Cheer league, our guests from Rogue Valley Youth Football, and our invitation teams. The WVYFC Board of Directors enjoy organizing this amazing event for our youth teams. However, it is an expensive event to execute. Admission fees, program sales, and proceeds from the Game Video sales all go to make this exciting event happen. Please remind any family and friends of the admission fees so there aren’t any disappointed families. Cash and credit cards will be accepted, sorry no checks.
YOUTH (6-17) $12
SENIORS(55+)/ VETS $12
Admission/Attendance Rules- IMPORTANT Please Read below:
1. All University of Oregon (Autzen Stadium) rules apply.
- No alcohol is permitted in the stadium except in licensed pavilions where it may be legally dispensed.
- Smoking is not permitted at or on any University owned property.
- Open umbrellas will not be permitted in the seating and aisle areas of Autzen Stadium.
- Glass or metal containers, vacuum bottles or other similar insulated containers (thermos-type containers), open plastic beverage containers (unless empty)
- weapons, fireworks, laser pointers, explosives or munitions are not permitted inside the stadium.
-Patrons agree as a condition of the ticket license to allow inspection of any articles capable of concealing these prohibited items.
- The throwing of footballs, Frisbees, balls, or other such objects is not allowed inside the stadium seating, tunnel or ramp areas.
- Artificial noisemakers, including but not limited to: air horns, cow bells, chow bells, whistles etc... are prohibited inside of Autzen Stadium.
2. Field Access - Athletes, Coaches, Team Managers and all others: Water is the only drink allowed on the ground/turf level.
3. Restricted areas: Press box, field and any taped off area inside of Autzen Stadium (i.e. North concourse and unused seating)
4. ADA Parking is in the East Lot near the entrance. Please refer to the map. WVYFC will have Golf Carts available near the Admissions gate for those who would like assistance to the South Concourse and seating. Please wait patiently for the drivers inside the gate below or after the game, at the drop-off area.
Failure to comply with the Autzen Admission/Attendance rules will result in removal from Autzen stadium, no refunds will be given.
WVYFC looks forward to hosting your team!
Parents and Players,
Congratulations on making it to the 2024 Oregon AAU Football State Championships and Bowl Series at Autzen Stadium on November 15th-17!
We want to take a moment to prepare you for how the weekend is run so that you, your player, family and friends feel prepared as you arrive to watch your player participate in championship weekend at Autzen.
Before the Game
We will be having teams meet at least 1 hour and 15 mins prior to the scheduled start of their game (please communicate with your head coach to verify time). Please ensure that your player is on time as we will not start games late for players arriving late and/or missing weigh ins. When the entire team is together, the badged coaches and team manager will be escorting their team through the player’s entrance. All parents, siblings, friends, and family will need to pay admission through the spectator gate before entering the stadium. The spectator and player entrance are on the East side of the stadium.
The parking entrance ENTRY 5 on the South end of the Autzen Complex. Please be aware some areas will be blocked off for UO events. You will find ADA parking and General parking. Use of tents located near the stadium is strictly prohibited. There will be port-a-potties all over the parking area and should be serviced prior to your arrival. All entries will use the EAST GATE.
Field Access
Only players, 5 coaches, 1 Team Manager, and 3 chain crew (home team only) will be allowed field access. Practice only , board members will need to sit up in the stands as spectators. This will be strictly enforced. Chain crew are still required to pay admission. Board Members are required to pay admission. Chain crew will need to get yellow vests from the admission booth. Only those wearing the yellow vests will be allowed field access through the stands. No other parent volunteers will be allowed on the field. Players/coaches/volunteers may only bring WATER onto the field. No personal Belongings NO WAGONS NOTHING
After the Game
Awards will quickly be given to the coach on the field to hand out on the concourse to the players. Then the players will exit the field through the South stands. Parents and players are to exit quickly after the game to the South Concourse. Please do not go onto the field. This will be strictly enforced.
Championship Apparel
Apparel will be available on the South Concourse for purchase.
Available at the admission AND concourse for $12.00
Game Video
A Thumb drive of your team's game will be done approximately 60+ minutes after the conclusion of your game for $30 and available in the concourse. You may purchase game video before or after the game. All game videos must be purchased and picked up at Autzen and no later than 5pm on Sunday, November 17th 2024. We will not be held responsible or mail any that are not picked up.
This weekend is a fun-filled weekend for the players of the Willamette Valley Youth Football and Cheer league, our guests from Rogue Valley Youth Football, and our invitation teams. The WVYFC Board of Directors enjoy organizing this amazing event for our youth teams. However, it is an expensive event to execute. Admission fees, program sales, and proceeds from the Game Video sales all go to make this exciting event happen. Please remind any family and friends of the admission fees so there aren’t any disappointed families. Cash and credit cards will be accepted, sorry no checks.
YOUTH (6-17) $12
SENIORS(55+)/ VETS $12
Admission/Attendance Rules- IMPORTANT Please Read below:
1. All University of Oregon (Autzen Stadium) rules apply.
- No alcohol is permitted in the stadium except in licensed pavilions where it may be legally dispensed.
- Smoking is not permitted at or on any University owned property.
- Open umbrellas will not be permitted in the seating and aisle areas of Autzen Stadium.
- Glass or metal containers, vacuum bottles or other similar insulated containers (thermos-type containers), open plastic beverage containers (unless empty)
- weapons, fireworks, laser pointers, explosives or munitions are not permitted inside the stadium.
-Patrons agree as a condition of the ticket license to allow inspection of any articles capable of concealing these prohibited items.
- The throwing of footballs, Frisbees, balls, or other such objects is not allowed inside the stadium seating, tunnel or ramp areas.
- Artificial noisemakers, including but not limited to: air horns, cow bells, chow bells, whistles etc... are prohibited inside of Autzen Stadium.
2. Field Access - Athletes, Coaches, Team Managers and all others: Water is the only drink allowed on the ground/turf level.
3. Restricted areas: Press box, field and any taped off area inside of Autzen Stadium (i.e. North concourse and unused seating)
4. ADA Parking is in the East Lot near the entrance. Please refer to the map. WVYFC will have Golf Carts available near the Admissions gate for those who would like assistance to the South Concourse and seating. Please wait patiently for the drivers inside the gate below or after the game, at the drop-off area.
Failure to comply with the Autzen Admission/Attendance rules will result in removal from Autzen stadium, no refunds will be given.
WVYFC looks forward to hosting your team!
We had an incident occur at SHS Sunday's game with Thurston 7th RED vs. Sheldon 7th BLACK.
We would like to know who this individual is and would like to talk with him.
Thank you if you have any information who this person is or what association they belong with please email us at wvyfandc@gmail.com
Hello everyone
We had an incident occur at WHS Sunday's game with Thurston 7th Black vs. Sheldon 7th Green. . We would like to know who this individual is and would like to talk with him.Thank you if you have any information who this person is or what association they belong with please email us at wvyfandc@gmail.com
From now on we are following the OSAA rule for player ejection.
Part IV – Enforcement Policy
Article 1: Coaching Offenses
S1: S1: Any coach ejected from a game must be suspended for one week (that is, 6 hours of practice)
and ineligible for the next game. A second such ejection shall be cause for expulsion for the remainder of the season. Additional offenses resulting in a minimum of one game / week suspension from WVYFC.
A. Violation of Blue Card Code of Conduct
B. Running up the score.
C. Violation of MPR rule.
D. Inappropriate behavior during a game or practice session.
E. Ejection from the game by a referee. (Possible expulsion)
S2: Offenses resulting in expulsion from WVYFC:
A. Endangerment of Juveniles
B. Fighting
C. Cheating
D. Gambling on game outcome
E. Striking a game official
F. Falsification of official documentation
Article 2: Juvenile Offenses
S1: Fighting, intimidation, or disrespect for authority shall be cause for ejection from the game. Any player so ejected must be suspended for one week and shall be ineligible for the next game. High school rules will be implemented for length of time a player must sit out if they are ejected apply: If a player is ejected during the 1st half, they must sit out the rest of the game, plus the first half of their next game. If a player is ejected in the second half of the game, then they sit out the rest of the game and the entire next game.( This rule has been changed to OSAA RULES)
A second such ejection shall be cause for expulsion for the remainder of the season.
S1: Fighting, intimidation, or disrespect for authority shall be
cause for ejection from the game. Any player so ejected must be
suspended for one week and shall be ineligible for the next game.
S2: Associations must report these incidents to the League.
Article 3: Team and Association Offenses
Failure to keep faith with players and parents is defined as any deliberate practice of a team or association, which places the health, welfare and safety of juveniles in jeopardy. If these actions are intentional and/or by policy, the Association is subject to sanctions by the League which may include removal of any or all officers of that Association.
Article 4: Parent/Adult Offenses
S1: All coaching rules apply to parents. Any parent ejected from a game must be suspended for one week and shall be ineligible for the next game. A second such ejection shall be cause for expulsion for the remainder of the season.( ADDING ON TO THIS RULE )
S1: Refs and Coaches have the right to stop the game to eject a parent/adult during the game, they will not resume the game until the situation has been handled. If not handled in a timely manner then they can call the game and that team will forfeit. A minimum suspension and could be subject to more . Based on offense severity
S2: All properties used by WVYFC are subject to WVYFC Official rules. All practice and game venues belong to WVYFC during WVYFC sanctioned events; therefore, any suspension or expulsion of a parent or coach is regulated by WVYFC officials. I.E. We can suspend problem parents from practice and/or
game facilities during WVYFC events even though we do not "own" the facilities we may be using.
Article 5: Social Media Threats & Bullying
S1: Any social media or bullying offense, determined by the League, will result in a one game minimum suspension.
S2: A second offense, within the same season, will result in suspension from WVYFC for one calendar year.
Thank you
From now on we are following the OSAA rule for player ejection.
Part IV – Enforcement Policy
Article 1: Coaching Offenses
S1: S1: Any coach ejected from a game must be suspended for one week (that is, 6 hours of practice)
and ineligible for the next game. A second such ejection shall be cause for expulsion for the remainder of the season. Additional offenses resulting in a minimum of one game / week suspension from WVYFC.
A. Violation of Blue Card Code of Conduct
B. Running up the score.
C. Violation of MPR rule.
D. Inappropriate behavior during a game or practice session.
E. Ejection from the game by a referee. (Possible expulsion)
S2: Offenses resulting in expulsion from WVYFC:
A. Endangerment of Juveniles
B. Fighting
C. Cheating
D. Gambling on game outcome
E. Striking a game official
F. Falsification of official documentation
Article 2: Juvenile Offenses
S1: Fighting, intimidation, or disrespect for authority shall be cause for ejection from the game. Any player so ejected must be suspended for one week and shall be ineligible for the next game. High school rules will be implemented for length of time a player must sit out if they are ejected apply: If a player is ejected during the 1st half, they must sit out the rest of the game, plus the first half of their next game. If a player is ejected in the second half of the game, then they sit out the rest of the game and the entire next game.( This rule has been changed to OSAA RULES)
A second such ejection shall be cause for expulsion for the remainder of the season.
S1: Fighting, intimidation, or disrespect for authority shall be
cause for ejection from the game. Any player so ejected must be
suspended for one week and shall be ineligible for the next game.
S2: Associations must report these incidents to the League.
Article 3: Team and Association Offenses
Failure to keep faith with players and parents is defined as any deliberate practice of a team or association, which places the health, welfare and safety of juveniles in jeopardy. If these actions are intentional and/or by policy, the Association is subject to sanctions by the League which may include removal of any or all officers of that Association.
Article 4: Parent/Adult Offenses
S1: All coaching rules apply to parents. Any parent ejected from a game must be suspended for one week and shall be ineligible for the next game. A second such ejection shall be cause for expulsion for the remainder of the season.( ADDING ON TO THIS RULE )
S1: Refs and Coaches have the right to stop the game to eject a parent/adult during the game, they will not resume the game until the situation has been handled. If not handled in a timely manner then they can call the game and that team will forfeit. A minimum suspension and could be subject to more . Based on offense severity
S2: All properties used by WVYFC are subject to WVYFC Official rules. All practice and game venues belong to WVYFC during WVYFC sanctioned events; therefore, any suspension or expulsion of a parent or coach is regulated by WVYFC officials. I.E. We can suspend problem parents from practice and/or
game facilities during WVYFC events even though we do not "own" the facilities we may be using.
Article 5: Social Media Threats & Bullying
S1: Any social media or bullying offense, determined by the League, will result in a one game minimum suspension.
S2: A second offense, within the same season, will result in suspension from WVYFC for one calendar year.
Thank you
Please let all TMs and COACHs that no player is allowed to play if they aren't signed off on the blue card . No kid should be playing if they aren't approved . There is a reason for them not being approved and NO TMs can approve them to play only the league can.
TMs have the say on MPRs who needs to play and that has to play if you don't follow the MPR rule then it's a violation. Forfeit that game and suspended
ONLY badge Coaches and TMs are only allowed to be on the field for their games, not anyone else. you are allowed 6 adults on the field ( 1 HC 4 ASST 1 TM ) OR ( 1 HC 3 AAST 2 TM ) NO practice coaches are allowed on the field they can be in the stands. If practice coaches are doing chains they are not allowed to coach.
if you get caught having to many coaches on the field not having a badge and or using OLD badges your game will be forfeit right then and there .
head coaches please advise family members/friends that come out to support their teams to please follow the rules if they don't then head coach will be suspended next game .
BOARDMEMBERS can be on the sidelines if they are hosting the fields or there to monitor the games to help that team out.
please follow the field rules and associations who are hosting the games. They also have the right to kick out coaches and families for being disrespectful and not following the rules.
ken clark
coaching coordinator/ sgt of arms
wvyfc board
WVYFC Families,
Few reminders for game day. .
All Game Field Reminders:
-Spectators are not allowed on the turf fields, in Highschool Stadiums all spectators are to stay in the stands. Only athletes and BADGED representatives are allowed on the field
-4J and Hamlin do not allow us to have canopy or chairs on track surfaces.
-Please be kind and courteous to all volunteers, opposing team members and officials
-Remember to pick up after yourselves after games. We have had alot of trash and forgotten items left in the stands and on the fields already. This puts us in jeopardy of losing game fields.
-No photographers that havent been approved by WVYFC and Badged are not alowed on the field.
-Respect the boardmembers that are running the fields.
-Fans are held up with the same code of conduct as players and coaches.
Reminders for teams playing in Roseburg:
No parking in the quad, the high school coaching staff are the only allowed vehicles.
No food on the turf, if your team needs a half time snack you’ll have to leave the field to consume it.
No pets are allowed at the stadium. ONLY service animals
Please leave the field immediately after your game so we stay on schedule. Team meeting can take place under/around the score board if you don’t want parents involved or outside the fence. End zones and sidelines are not an option.
WVYFC Board of Directors
Autzen Stadium, November 15th-17th
Presenting Sponsor: $1200 1 Available
• Logo/name on all print materials, packets as Presenting Sponsor*. • Banner at the gate.
(If Sponsor provides ) • Continuous Announcement on PA system for all games.
• Logo on West Jumbo Screen and on game video.
• Full Page Color Ad on the BACK COVER in the program as Presenting Sponsor*. •
Recognition on the WVYFC Website, information packets, and social media. • 4
Sponsor Passes for admission to the games all day.
Team Sponsor: $600 1 Available per Team
• Recognition on PA system, West Jumbo Screen, logo on game video, and in program. •
1⁄2 Page Ad in the program as Team Sponsor*.
• Recognition on the WVYF Website and social media.
• 2 Sponsor Passes for admission to your team’s game.
Hospitality Sponsor: $300 Unlimited
• Recognition on West Jumbo Screen and in program.
• 1⁄4 Page Ad in program as Hospitality Sponsor*.
• Recognition on the WVYF Website and social media.
• 1 Sponsor Pass
Program Advertisement: Unlimited
A. Full-Page Program Advertisement* $250 each B. Half-Page Program Advertisement* $150 each C.
Quarter-Page Program Advertisement* $100 each D. Business Card Size Program Advertisement*
$75 each
Executive In kind Donations: Unlimited
If your business would like to provide food or donations to the behind-the-scenes operations, please
reach out to us and we can make a sponsorship plan that will work for your business. • Recognition
on West Jumbo Screen and in program.
• Business Card Ad in the program
*Logo and advertising artwork shall be provided by the sponsor within the time frame acceptable for the
display. A name will be used in lieu of a logo if necessary.
Thank you for your support of youth football in our community!
Contact Alicia Clark for more information at Wvyfandc@gmail.com. WVYFC, PO Box 41061,
Eugene, OR 97404, Tax ID #27-0010481, www.WVYFC.com
AAU Oregon State Championships &
Bowl Series
Autzen Stadium, November 15th-17th
Presenting Sponsor: $1200 1 Available
• Logo/name on all print materials, packets as Presenting Sponsor*. • Banner at the gate.
(If Sponsor provides ) • Continuous Announcement on PA system for all games.
• Logo on West Jumbo Screen and on game video.
• Full Page Color Ad on the BACK COVER in the program as Presenting Sponsor*. •
Recognition on the WVYFC Website, information packets, and social media. • 4
Sponsor Passes for admission to the games all day.
Team Sponsor: $600 1 Available per Team
• Recognition on PA system, West Jumbo Screen, logo on game video, and in program. •
½ Page Ad in the program as Team Sponsor*.
• Recognition on the WVYF Website and social media.
• 2 Sponsor Passes for admission to your team’s game.
Hospitality Sponsor: $300 Unlimited
• Recognition on West Jumbo Screen and in program.
• ¼ Page Ad in program as Hospitality Sponsor*.
• Recognition on the WVYF Website and social media.
• 1 Sponsor Pass
Program Advertisement: Unlimited
A. Full-Page Program Advertisement* $250 each B. Half-Page Program Advertisement* $150 each C.
Quarter-Page Program Advertisement* $100 each D. Business Card Size Program Advertisement*
$75 each
Executive In kind Donations: Unlimited
If your business would like to provide food or donations to the behind-the-scenes operations, please
reach out to us and we can make a sponsorship plan that will work for your business. • Recognition
on West Jumbo Screen and in program.
• Business Card Ad in the program
*Logo and advertising artwork shall be provided by the sponsor within the time frame acceptable for the
display. A name will be used in lieu of a logo if necessary.
Thank you for your support of youth football in our community!
Contact Alicia Clark for more information at Wvyfandc@gmail.com. WVYFC, PO Box 41061,
Eugene, OR 97404, Tax ID #27-0010481, www.WVYFC.com
HBJC (NE)Jaguars 2/3
All event related questions should be directed to Fred Banks at fjb3030@live.com.